Terms and Conditions

These general terms and conditions have been drawn up by us with the utmost care, Flashbios Developments located in Westerlee (Netherlands). Compiled and apply to our website 3D-Electronics.eu, further abbreviated below as: 3D-Electronics.

  1. These general terms and conditions apply to all offers from 3D-Electronics. The conditions are accessible to everyone and included on the 3D-Electronics website.
  2. By placing an order you indicate that you agree to the delivery and payment conditions. 3D-Electronics reserves the right to change its delivery and/or payment terms after the expiry of the term.
  3. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the general or specific terms and conditions or stipulations of third parties are not recognized by 3D-Electronics.
  4. 3D-Electronics guarantees that the delivered product complies with the agreement and meets the specifications stated in the offer.

© Flashbios Developments

Last updated: January 20, 2024

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